IT Equipment

This policy applies to all constituents of the university who require the use of IT equipment for their job responsibilities. It is important for users to follow this policy when handling IT equipment from the ITO. Proper documentation and responsible use of the equipment will help ensure that the equipment is available and in good working condition for all users who need it.

Borrowing of IT Equipment

1. Borrowing of IT equipment must be approved by the IT director. Users must send a letter of request for borrowing equipment. This request must include the following information:

  • Name and designation
  • Purpose of borrowing the IT equipment
  • Date and duration of the borrowing
  • Details of the equipment required

2. Borrowed IT equipment must be properly documented in the ITO’s logbook. The logbook should include the following information:

  • Date and time of borrowing and return
  • Name and designation of the borrower
  • Description of the equipment borrowed

Borrowed IT equipment must be returned on or before the specified date and time. If there are any changes in the return date or time, the borrower must inform the ITO immediately. 

3. Borrowers are responsible for the proper use and care of the equipment borrowed. Any damages or losses must be reported to the IT director immediately.

4. Borrowers are not allowed to share the IT equipment borrowed with other unauthorized individuals. 

5. Failure to comply with this policy may result in disciplinary action.

6. This policy is subject to change at any time without prior notice.

IT Inventory

1. All procurement of IT-related equipment such as computers, laptops, cameras, printers, scanners, and other similar devices must be presented to the ITO for record keeping and preventive maintenance or repair purposes.

2. Requests for IT-related equipment must be first endorsed by the ITO before proceeding with the purchase. The ITO will review the request to ensure that the equipment is necessary and compatible with the university’s existing IT infrastructure.

3. The procurement of IT equipment must follow the university’s procurement process and policies. The ITO may be consulted on the technical specifications and inspect the equipment to ensure that it is in good working condition.

4. The Supply and Property Management Office (SPMO) will assign an ID to IT equipment upon procurement. Once the equipment is assigned an ID, it must be endorsed to the ITO for proper installation of software and for proper documentation.

5. The ITO will install and configure the IT equipment as necessary. The ITO can also brief the users on the proper use and maintenance of the equipment.

6. All IT-related equipment must be properly documented and recorded by the ITO. The documentation must include the following information:

  • Date of procurement
  • Model of the equipment
  • Technical specifications
  • Serial numbers/asset tags/service tag
  • Location or assignment of the equipment
  • Maintenance and repair history

7. IT-related equipment must be properly maintained and repaired as necessary. Users must report any issues or problems with the equipment to the ITO or other authorized offices immediately.

8. The IT equipment included in the ITO’s inventory will undergo scheduled preventive maintenance to ensure that the equipment is operating efficiently. 

9. Disposal of equipment must be forwarded to the SPMO. The SPMO will ensure that the equipment is properly disposed of in compliance with applicable guidelines and regulations.

10. If the equipment being disposed of is not under the ITO, the disposal process must be endorsed to the ITO. The ITO should be provided with a copy of the waste documentation so that the equipment can be removed from the IT inventory and will not be processed for preventive maintenance.